Kiki sta per tornare, con un nuovo romanzo inedito, in uscita a Maggio 2017 per un editore Italiano. Ecco un dettaglio dell'illustrazione di copertina di Ben Baldwin
Online su Horror Magazine la recensione di Massimiliano Ruzzante di 'Carne Cruda' (Cut Up Publishing, 2017), contenente il racconto 'Rastrellamento' di Richard Laymon e la mia novella 'Area52'.
Dalle recensione: (...) La seconda novella è l'inedita Area 52: La Fabbrica delle Puttane Zombie dello scrittore romano. Suddivisa in vari capitoli, la storia è ambientata nel ventitreesimo secolo nel mondo distopico e cannibalico dell'apocalittica Parigi Sud-5. Personaggi e luoghi si ricollegano ai precedenti romanzi dell'autore (Naraka: L'Apocalisse della carne e Shanti: La Città Santa), tematiche incluse. In questa capitale cannibalica della lussuria e della perdizione, fa l'ingresso in scena uno spietato serial killer chiamato “Il Santo”, che stermina le prostitute intralciando così i proficui affari del boss Big Blue. Per ovviare al problema si decide così di creare un progetto denominato “Area 52”, una struttura segreta che sperimenta un sistema di clonazione accelerato, dedicato a rifornire di prostitute semi-umane il mercato del sesso. Ritroveremo in primis la bella e letale Kiki, uno dei personaggi più affascinanti del mondo “narakiano”, che in questa storia cercherà di ribellarsi con tutti i mezzi al tragico destino che le hanno assegnato, vincendo le residue debolezze ed ergendosi a simbolo di riscatto di un'intera categoria. In un susseguirsi di “cartoline dall'inferno”, capitolo dopo capitolo, l'autore non mancherà di “deliziare” l'inerme lettore con un menù di sofisticate pietanze culinarie a base di pregiate parti anatomiche umane, il tutto descritto nel consueto stile lirico che rimanda a generi quali il weird, l'horror più “hardcore”, la fantascienza distopica e il pulp tarantiniano. (...) Leggi tutta le recensione su Horror Magazine. The Horror Writer's Association Bram Stoker Preliminary Ballot has been announced; I'm happy to learn that 4 of my works are listed:
La Horror Writers Association ha annunciato le 10 opere per categoria passate al Preliminary Ballot del Bram Stoker Award 2016, che a Febbraio si giocheranno le 5 nominations di categoria; sono felice che nella lista siano presenti ben quattro mie opere: Sacrificial Nights by Bruce Boston and me (Poetry Category) Kipple Officina Libraria, 2016; The Beauty of Death edited by me (Anthology Category) Independent Legions Publishing, 2016; The Monster, the Bad, and the Ugly by Paolo Di Orazio and me (Anthology Category), Kipple Officina Libraria, 2016; Long Hair's Inferno by me (Short Fiction Category), Kipple Officina Libraria, 2016; Official Announcement on HWA Website Annuncio Ufficiale sul sito della HWA Below the complete list of Bram Stoker Awards® 2016 Preliminary Ballot: Ecco la lista completa delle opere passate al Preliminary Ballot: Superior Achievement in a Novel Fenn, J. Lincoln – Dead Souls (Gallery Books) Hand, Elizabeth – Hard Light: A Cass Neary Crime Novel (Minotaur Books) Heuvelt, Thomas Olde – Hex (Tor Books) Jones, Stephen Graham – Mongrels (William Morrow) Langan, John – The Fisherman (Word Horde) Lombardi, Nicola – The Tank (Dunwich Edizioni) MacLeod, Bracken – Stranded: A Novel (Tor Books) Murray, Lee – Into the Mist (Cohesion Press) Prentiss, Norman– Odd Adventures with your Other Father (Kindle Press) Snyman, Monique – Muti Nation (Omnium Gatherum Media) Tremblay, Paul – Disappearance at Devil’s Rock (William Morrow) Superior Achievement in a First Novel Barnett, Barbara – The Apothecary’s Curse (Pyr Books) Chapman, Greg – Hollow House (Omnium Gatherum Media) Deady, Tom – Haven (Cemetery Dance Publications) Franks, Matthew – The Monster Underneath (Samhain Publishing, Ltd.) Garza, Michelle and Lason, Melissa – Mayan Blue (Sinister Grin Press) Gorman, William – Blackwater Val (Crystal Lake Publishing) Kilgore, Kari – Until Death (Spiral Publishing) Labat, L.M. – The Sanguinarian ID (Night to Dawn Magazine & Books LLC) Lewis, Beth – The Wolf Road (Crown Publishing) Murphy, Jason – The Black Goat Motorcycle Club (Sinister Grin Press) Woodrow, Jonathan – Wasteland Gods (Horrific Tales Publishing) Wytovich, Stephanie – The Eighth (Dark Regions Press) Superior Achievement in a Young Adult Novel Alexander, Maria – Snowed (Raw Dog Screaming Press) Brozek, Jennifer – Last Days of Salton Academy (Ragnarok Publishing) Cosimano, Elle – Holding Smoke (Hyperion-Disney) Ford, Michael Thomas – Lily (Lethe Press) Kelley, Michael Brent – Keep Away From Psycho Joe (Omnium Gatherum Media) Roberts, Jeyn – When They Fade (Knopf Books for Young Readers) Sirowy, Alexandra – The Telling (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers) Varley, Dax – Sinful: A Bleed Novel (Garden Gate Press) Superior Achievement in a Graphic Novel Bunn, Cullen – Blood Feud (Oni Press) Chambers, James – Kolchak the Night Stalker: The Forgotten Lore of Edgar Allan Poe (Moonstone) de Campi, Alex – No Mercy, Vol. 2 (Image Comics) Miller, Mark Alan and Lansdale, Joe R. – The Steam Man (Dark Horse Books) Moore, Alan – Providence, Act 1 (Avatar Press) Quach, Ashley P – Weirdy (Sassquach Comics) Kirkman, Robert – Outcast, Vol 3 This Little Light (Image Comics) Superior Achievement in Long Fiction Anderson, Paul Michael – Bones Are Made to be Broken (Bones Are Made to be Broken) (Written Backwards) Boden, John – Jedi Summer with the Magnetic Kid (Post Mortem Press) Cushing, Aric – Vampire Boy (Grand & Archer) Cushing, Nicole – The Sadist’s Bible (01Publishing) Drinkwater, Karl – Harvest Festival (Organic Apocalypse) Edelman, Scott – That Perilous Stuff (Chiral Mad 3) (Written Backwards) LaValle, Victor – The Ballad of Black Tom ( Malerman, Josh – The Jupiter Drop (You, Human) (Written Backwards) Matthews, Mark – All Smoke Rises: Milk-Blood Redux (Wicked Run Press) Shane, Simmons – Raw (Silent Screams: An Anthology of Socially Conscious Dark Fiction) (Serpent & Dove Speculative Fiction) Waggoner, Tim – The Winter Box (Darkfuse) Superior Achievement in Short Fiction Bailey, Michael – Time is a Face on the Water (Borderlands 6) (Borderlands Press) Bodner, Hal – A Rift in Reflection (Chiral Mad 3) (Written Backwards) Golden, Christopher – The Bad Hour (What the #@&% is That?) (Saga Press) Hanson, Michael H. – Conqueror Worms (Dark Corners) (Iron Clad Press) Hucklebridge, Dane – Ortolan (F(r)iction #5) (Tethered by Letters) Kiste, Gwendolyn – Reasons I Hate My Big Sister (Nightscript Volume 2) (Chthonic Matter) Mannetti, Lisa – Arbeit Macht Frei (Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories) (Crystal Lake Publishing) Manzetti, Alessandro – Long Hair’s Inferno (The Monster, the Bad, and the Ugly) (Kipple Officina Libraria) Oates, Joyce Carol – The Crawl Space (Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine Volume #2016/Issue#8) (Dell Magazines) Smith, John Claude – The Wounded Table (The Wrath of Concrete and Steel) (Dunhams Manor Press) Yap, Isabel – Only Unclench Your Hand (What the #@&% is That?) (Saga Press) Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection Barron, Laird – Swift to Chase (JournalStone) Braum, Daniel – The Night Marchers and Other Strange Tales (Grey Matter Press) Chizmar, Richard – A Long December (Subterranean Press) Gavin, Richard – Sylvan Dread: Tales of Pastoral Darkness (Three Hands Press) Oates, Joyce Carol – The Doll-Master and Other Tales of Terror (Mysterious Press) O’Neill, Gene – Lethal Birds (Omnium Gatherum Media) Schaller, Eric – Meet Me in the Middle of the Air (Undertow Publications) Schwaeble, Hank – American Nocturne (Cohesion Press) Sutton, Pete – A Tiding of Magpies (Kensington Gore Publishing) Wehunt, Michael – Greener Pastures (Shock Totem Publications) Superior Achievement in a Screenplay Alvarez, Fede and Sayagues, Rodo – DON’T BREATHE (Ghost House Pictures, Good Universe) Campbell, Josh, Chazelle, Damien, and Stuecken, Matthew – 10 CLOVERFIELD LANE (Paramount Pictures) Catlin, Sam, Rogen, Seth, and Goldberg, Evan – PREACHER: PILOT (Episode1:0) (AMC) Duffer, Matt and Duffer, Ross – STRANGER THINGS: THE VANISHING OF WILL BYERS (Episode 01: Chapter One) (21 Laps Entertainment, Monkey Massacre) Duffer, Matt and Duffer, Ross – STRANGER THINGS: THE UPSIDE DOWN (Episode 01: Chapter Eight) (21 Laps Entertainment, Monkey Massacre) Eggers, Robert – THE VVITCH (Parts and Labor, RT Features, Rooks Nest Entertainment, Code Red Productions, Scythia Films, Maiden Voyage Pictures, Mott Street Pictures, Pulse Films, and Very Special Projects) Gimple, Scott M. – THE WALKING DEAD: THE DAY WILL COME WHEN YOU WON’T BE (Episode 07:01) (AMC) Hayes, Carey, Hayes, Chad, Wan, James and Johnson, David – THE CONJURING 2 (New Line Cinema) Logan, John – PENNY DREADFUL: A BLADE OF GRASS (Episode 03:04) Showtime Presents in association with SKY, Desert Wolf Productions, Neal Street Productions) Nichols, Jeff – MIDNIGHT SPECIAL (Warner Bros.) Superior Achievement in an Anthology Bailey, Michael – Chiral Mad 3 (Written Backwards) Bennett, T.C. and Carbone, Tracy L. – Cemetery Riots (Awol From Elysium Press) Dabrowski, Lisa – Horror from the Inside Out (Whorror House) Johnson, Eugene and Day, Charles – Drive-In Creature Feature (Evil Jester Press) Kahle, Pete – Not Your Average Monster, Vol. 2: A Menagerie of Vile Beasts (Bloodshot Books) Manzetti, Alessandro – The Beauty of Death (Independent Legions Publishing) Manzetti, Alessandro and di Orazio, Paolo – The Monster, the Bad and the Ugly (Kipple Officina Libraria) Monteleone, Thomas F. and Monteleone, Oliva F. – Borderlands 6 (Samhain Publishing, Ltd.) Mosiman, Billie Sue – Fright Mare-Women Write Horror (DM Publishing) Murano, Doug and Ward, D. Alexander – Gutted: Beautiful Horror Stories (Crystal Lake Publishing) Rivera, Anthony and Lawson, Sharon – Peel Back the Skin (Grey Matter Press) Superior Achievement in Non-Fiction Braudy, Leo. Haunted: On Ghosts, Witches, Vampires, Zombies and Other Monsters of the Natural and Supernatural (Yale University Press) Franklin, Ruth – Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life (Liveright Publishing Corporation) Ocker, J.W. A Season with the Witch (Countryman Press) Olson, Danel P. – Guillermo del Toro’s “The Devil’s Backbone” and “Pan’s Labyrinth”: Studies in the Horror Film (Centipede Press) Poole, W. Scott. In the Mountains of Madness: The Life, Death and Extraordinary Afterlife of H. P. Lovecraft (Soft Skull Press) Skal, David J. – Something in the Blood: The Untold Story of Bram Stoker, the Man Who Wrote Dracula (Liveright Publishing Corporation) Tibbetts, John. The Gothic Worlds of Peter Straub (McFarland) Towlson, Jon. The Turn to Gruesomeness in American Horror Films, 1931-1936 (McFarland) Superior Achievement in a Poetry Collection Betts, Matt – Underwater Fistfight (Raw Dog Screaming Press) Boston, Bruce and Manzetti, Alessandro – Sacrificial Nights (Kipple Officina Libraria) Collings, Michael R. – Corona Obscura: Poems Dark and Elemental (self-published) Cowen, David E. – The Seven Yards of Sorrow (Weasel Press) DiLouie, Craig and Moon, Jonathan – Children of God: Poems, Dreams, and Nightmares from the Family of God Cult (ZING Communications, Inc., Jonathan Moon.) Gailey, Jeannine Hall – Field Guide to the End of the World: Poems (Moon City Press) Lepovetsky, Lisa – Voices from Empty Rooms (Alban Lake) Lopez III, Aurelio Rico – Two Drinks Away from Chaos (Azoth Khem Publishing) Simon, Marge. – Small Spirits (Midnight Town Media) Wytovich, Stephanie M. – Brothel (Raw Dog Screaming Press) Congrats to all! I'm happy to learn that the poetry collection Sacrificial Nights (Kipple Officina Libraria, June 2016), co-written with Bruce Boston, was nominated for the SFPA Elgin Award 2017 (Full-length Books category), and that the poem The Great Unknown (from Sacrificial Nights), co-written with Bruce Boston, was nominated for the SFPA Ryshing Award 2017.
WAR - New collab poetry collection with Marge Simon coming out in 2018 from Crystal Lake Publishing1/11/2017 Signed a publishing contract for a new collab dark poetry collection with Bram Stoker Award Winning Author and SFPA Grand Master Marge Simon, titled WAR, to be published in 2018 from Crystal Lake Publishing.
Comet Press announced the Table of Contents of the annual anthology YEAR'S BEST HARDCORE HORROR - Volume 2, coming out in June, 2017. It contains my short story 'Kozmic Blues'. Discover the TOC on Comet Press website.
Hot News ENG Released in October 31 2024 ENTER BOOGEYMAN Anthology, edited by me
Buy the book at Amazon News ITADisponibile Perifernalia - 11 Storie nei Quartieri Estremi della Roma Cronica (con Paolo Di Orazio) Edizione Standard Edizione Collection
News ENGComing in September 2024 CRAZY DIAMONDS (novella in collaboration with Richard Christian Matheson) Independent Legions
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