My novel NARAKA - The Ultimate Human Breeding, reviewed by Horror
From the review: (…) This book was brutal. I’ve read Laymon and Ketchum and Lee and this book was as brutal if not more so than any other the stuff those guys have written. Violent, bloody, disturbing; pick any of those words that you would use to describe any of the splatter-punk horror writers and this book is that, times a million. (…) There are many characters and many points of view but the story that flows through the entire novel is the tale of Kiki, a former prostitute turned assassin. She is by far the most interesting character who is able to escape the prison and get back to earth to assassinate the man who helped land her in the prison in the first place. If there is a theme in running through the interconnected stories running through this novel it is the theme of revenge.For all of the hardcore horror violence and blood in this book, the novel is very well written. Once the splatter punk facade is stripped away, what is left is a story with an incredibly well developed protagonist and equally developed antagonist and secondary characters that the reader cares about as much as the main characters. (…) There are also very few novels who can claim a setting to be an important character in the story, but Naraka is one of the ones that can. The prison itself is very much a character and possibly the most evil of all the antagonists in the novel. The protagonist and pretty much every character act or react based on the prison looming somewhere above them. Read the full review at Horror Buy the book at Amazon
Preordinabile a prezzo speciale il nuovo romanzo NUOVA SODOMA - La Resurrezione del Re Osceno3/11/2019 Preordinabile da oggi, a prezzo speciale (fino al 31 Agosto), sullo store Independent Legions, il mio nuovo romanzo NUOVA SODOMA - La Resurrezione del Re Osceno, in uscita a Setttembre 2019.
I diritti in lingua inglese del romanzo sono già stati acquistati dall'editore statunitense Necro Publications, leader mondiale nel genere hardcore horror; l'opera sarà pubblicata in inglese nel secondo quadrimestre del 2020 col titolo di 'New Sodom' Preordina la tua copia sullo store Independent Legions Sinossi: 2114. Manfredi, folle mecenate e seguace sadiano, grazie a nuove tecnologie di clonazione riporta in vita il Marchese De Sade per costringerlo a riscrivere il romanzo perduto 'Le Giornate di Florbelle'. Nello stesso tempo, in una distopica Parigi, la Resistenza Cattolica, ispirata alle apocrife gesta di Giovanna d’Arco, perseguitata dal regime e guidata da Eden Mansour, una vergine dal grilletto facile, tenta di ribaltare la situazione. La criminalità organizzata, che domina il quartiere Parigi Sud 5, l’Hyper-Bronx della capitale, con a capo l’inquietante Zar e i suoi grotteschi luogotenenti, dovrà invece vedersela con Salomè, una serial killer dall’oscuro passato, che fa strage di clienti sulla Rue D’Alesia, mettendo a rischio il business della prostituzione. Sullo sfondo delle vicende il Supreme, il circo di freak, mutanti e meraviglie, è pronto a festeggiare il decennale con un nuovo, incredibile spettacolo da apocalittico Grand Guignol. Il romanzo contiene estratti apocrifi del romanzo perduto 'Le Giornate di Florbelle' del Marchese De Sade, ricostruiti e liberamente interpretati dall'autore col supporto dell'unico quaderno di note sopravvissuto alla distruzione dell'opera originale, che rivela appunti su alcune scene e personaggi. Uscita: Settembre 2019 - Edizione Standard Collana: Necros Lingua: Italiano - 220 pagine Illustrazione di copertina di Adrian Borda Illustrazioni interne di Stefano Cardoselli You can preorder my new novel SHANTI at Necro Publications Store
SHANTI- THE SADIST HEAVEN - April 2019 - Necro Publications. China Miéville’s epic world building meets Charlee Jacob’s beautifully brutal prose. Shanti is a horrifying look into the post-apocalyptic Earth and just what humans will do to each just to survive. The orphan sisters, Justine and Juliette, are entrusted to the care of the Sainte Marie College headed by Madame Desroches, a transgender matron of the infamous and dystopian neighborhood Paris South 5, the Hyper-Bronx of the French capital. The two sisters will become prey and predators of a brutal and hopeless world, where everybody wants to become a citizen of the mythical Shanti, the Holy City. Shanti is an artificial paradise, the last chance of a decent living following the apocalypse due to the radioactive meteor Uxor77. Now the Earth is characterized only by the annihilation of animal protein, the spread of cannibalism and brutal sexual deviances. The destinies of the two girls take shape in an apocalyptic Paris, with its red-light districts and the fashionable restaurants of human flesh, and then in the desert, among the subhuman menageries of the barren, desperate Mesoamerican Republic. Flamingo is a wicked creature that has survived the time to become the queen of Shanti, the Eldorado of Sex, whose heretic and sadist court, pulls the strings of everybody’s fate. But the New France’s criminal underworld as well as a powerful and cruel organization that control technology, the world markets of new synthetic drugs and the clandestine trade in human flesh, want to get their hands on the Holy City. Justine and Juliette become involved in different games of power; one will become predator, the other prey, always looking for faith, in spite of everything. What fate awaits them? Shanti is written as an homage to the famed sisters of the Marquis de Sade’s infamous novel Justine, as a futurization of that famous, heretic masterpiece. Karen Bovenmyer reads the poem 'The Green Lady' by Marge Simon and me, from WAR collection (Crystal Lake Publishing, June 2018). Buy the book at Amazon.
Cover Reveal of my new novel in English, SHANTI - The Sadist Heaven, to be released in April 2019 by Necro Publications.
China Miéville’s epic world building meets Charlee Jacob’s beautifully brutal prose. Shanti is a horrifying look into the post-apocalyptic Earth and just what humans will do to each just to survive. Synopsis: The orphan sisters, Justine and Juliette, are entrusted to the care of the Sainte Marie College headed by Madame Desroches, a transgender matron of the infamous and dystopian neighborhood Paris South 5, the Hyper-Bronx of the French capital. The two sisters will become prey and predators of a brutal and hopeless world, where everybody wants to become a citizen of the mythical Shanti, the Holy City. Shanti is an artificial paradise, the last chance of a decent living following the apocalypse due to the radioactive meteor Uxor77. Now the Earth is characterized only by the annihilation of animal protein, the spread of cannibalism and brutal sexual deviances. The destinies of the two girls take shape in an apocalyptic Paris, with its red-light districts and the fashionable restaurants of human flesh, and then in the desert, among the subhuman menageries of the barren, desperate Mesoamerican Republic. Flamingo is a wicked creature that has survived the time to become the queen of Shanti, the Eldorado of Sex, whose heretic and sadist court, pulls the strings of everybody’s fate. But the New France’s criminal underworld as well as a powerful and cruel organization that control technology, the world markets of new synthetic drugs and the clandestine trade in human flesh, want to get their hands on the Holy City. Justine and Juliette become involved in different games of power; one will become predator, the other prey, always looking for faith, in spite of everything. What fate awaits them? Shanti is written as an homage to the famed sisters of the Marquis de Sade’s infamous novel Justine, as a futurization of that famous, heretic masterpiece. |
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