My graphic novel THE INHABITANT OF THE LAKE made the 2021 Bram Stoker Awards Final Ballot!2/23/2022 I'm super happy to learn that the graphic novel THE INHABITANT OF THE LAKE, written by me and Stefano Cardoselli (who also illustrated it), based on the well known story by Ramsey Campbell, made the 2021 Bram Stoker Awards Final Ballot!
Congratulations and best of luck to all the nominees! The book is for sale at Amazon, paperback and hardcover edition.
Il mio racconto inedito 'Quattro Volte' sarà parte dell'antologia di racconti 'Supernatural - Racconti Oscuri' in uscita per l'editore Cut Up Publishing a Giugno 2022. Copertina di Roberto Recchioni.
My poem 'Kolkata's Little Girl' included in 'Hybrid: Misfits Monsters and Other Phenomena' Anthology2/23/2022 My poem 'Kolkata's Little Girl', originally published in 'The Place of Broken Things collection (2019), will be reprinted in 'Hybrid, Misfits, Monsters and Other Phenomena' anthology, edited by Donald Armfield and Maxwell Ian Gold, coming in May/early Summer 2022. Cover art by Luke Spooner.
In uscita ad Aprile per l'editore Cut Up Publishing, in libreria e sui vari store online, l'edizione cartonata (copertina rigida) della mia raccolta di poesie dark RAPSODIA WHITECHAPEL, con tre poesie inedite e nuove illustrazioni di Stefano Cardoselli.
"Fantastica raccolta di poesie di Alessandro Manzetti. Potente, intelligente e piuttosto appagante. Avrai bisogno di questo libro durante lo scuro Ottobre, la mattina presto e nelle tarde notti. Racconta una storia meglio di un romanzo." — Joe R. Lansdale "Rapsodia Whitechapel di Alessandro Manzetti è una trance in rosso di bellezza divina e malefica. Le sue poesie, piene di immagini e incubi, sono squisiti traumi che affascinano i cinque sensi. Mai la depravazione è mai stata così lirica, e il terrore tanto incantevole." — Richard Christian Matheson Anton Cancre reviewed on Cemetery Dance my new dark poetry collection DANCING WITH MARIA'S GHOST (Independent Legions, 2021), for sale at Amazon
Excerpt from the review: Alessandro Manzetti always does a great job of evoking a narrative with his poems. He has figured out a great balance of information given and withheld within the swirling images his poems paint that hints at the larger narrative beyond what we are given. I love it. (...) Such is the case with Dancing with Maria’s Ghost, Manzetti’s newest collection. The tale beneath this flows from ensnarement to infatuation to obsession to the ultimate ends such things must always meet. Especially when the object of the obsession is already dead. It’s a simple narrative, but plays out beautifully and with soul. This is a story of giving yourself over to beauty so fully that it consumes you. Not exactly a happy story, but a damn pretty one. (...) Read the full review on Cemetery Dance. |
Hot News ENG Released in October 31 2024 ENTER BOOGEYMAN Anthology, edited by me
Buy the book at Amazon News ITADisponibile Perifernalia - 11 Storie nei Quartieri Estremi della Roma Cronica (con Paolo Di Orazio) Edizione Standard Edizione Collection
News ENGComing in September 2024 CRAZY DIAMONDS (novella in collaboration with Richard Christian Matheson) Independent Legions
Lastest Awards, Nominations and MentionsUltime Uscite (ITA)Latest Releases (ENG)For sale at Amazon my new short story collection in English THE RADIOACTIVE BRIDE (Necro Publications)
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