VideoRecensione di Silvia Riccò del GIARDINO DELLE DELIZIE - Killer Version, edizione italiana di 'The Garden of Delight' (Edizione in Inglese edita da Comet Press, 2017) opera finalista agli Splatterpunk Awards 2018 come 'Best Collection'.
Il libro, pubblicato in edizione collection da Independent Legions (tiratura super-limitata e copie numerate e autografate), illustrato da Stefano Cardoselli, è acquistabile sullo Store dell'Editore e in alcune librerie specializzate. Il video contiene anche la recensione dell'antologia 'Shining in the Dark' di AA. VV.
Cover Reveal: L'illustrazione di copertina di Wendy Saber Core del romanzo SAMSARA, terzo romanzo della Trilogia Naraka, in uscita a Maggio 2018 per Independent Legions, prenotabile a prezzo speciale sullo store dell'Editore.
Disponibile sullo store Independent Legions IL GIARDINO DELLE DELIZIE, edizione Italiana della mia raccolta di racconti 'The Garden of Delight' (Comet Press, 2017), opera finalista agli Splatterpunk Awards 2018 come 'Best Collection'. Il libro è una edizione 'collection' a tiratura super-limitata (66 copie), numerata e firmata, con contenuti extra e speciali (rispetto all'edizione americana). Illustrazione di copertina di Wendy Saber Core, illustrazioni di quarta, bandelle e interne di Stefano Cardoselli. 260 pagine. Acquista il libro sullo Store dell'editore Contiene i racconti: Il Giardino delle Delizie (2016), Lu’lu (2015), Il Re che Dorme (2016), Der Bruter (2014), Lo Sciamano (2014), By the Sea (2016), L’Uomo che Mangiava Fiori (2016), Malanima (2014), La Mattanza delle Sirene (2015), Regnum Congo (2015), L’Inferno di Capelli Lunghi (2015), Limbus (2015), Fiori di Carne (2015), Mictlan (2014), Padroni di Mostri (2014), Il Rosario (2015), Kozmic Blues (2016), Vessel (2014), Heretic Park (2015), Verso il Monte Meru (2014).
Contenuti extra: i racconti ‘Deadwood’ (2015), ‘Il Mitreo’ (2015), ‘La Gabbia d’Oro’ (2015), ‘Il Nano’ (2016), ‘In Servizio allo Sphinx Tatoue’ (2016), ‘Zero’ (2017), ‘Vivien Duemila Chili’ (2017). Contenuti speciali: il racconto inedito ‘Dark Calipso’ (2018) Author Edward Lee about my forthcoming novel NARAKA (In English, Independent Legions, May 2018) “Have a taste of the ‘caviar of abomination.’ Wow! I am unable to think of a more original novel in any genre. If pressed to categorize this work which defies categorization, I’d have to call it Dystopic Alternate-Technology Reverse-Steampunk Orwellian Hallucinotic Cyber-Smut-Horror. Each paragraph is a delectable new treat in what you should think of as a diabolical Whitman’s Sampler from Hell. I’ve never taken LSD and now I don’t have to; after finishing NARAKA, its hideous, chimeral imagery raced ceaseless Tartarean circles in my brain, like a spew of appalling living things, and I was helpless to stop it. This book is a must-read for fans of any type of heavy-weight non-mainstream fiction, an unparalleled literary carpet-bombing that will warp your mind for some time to come.” --Edward Lee, author of THE BIGHEAD and WHITE TRASH GOTHIC NARAKA by Alessandro Manzetti
Translated by Daniele Bonfanti Editing: Michael Bailey Cover Art: Wendy Saber Core Independent Legions, May 2018 Live at Damaged Skull Writer and Reviewer BLog the review of my last poetry collection, No Mercy (Crystal Lake Publishing, June 2018, in collaboration with Marge Simon)
Excerpt from the review: (...) This is dark horror poetry at its most intense and elaborate! Taking this poetic journey with Alessandro Mazetti, readers will surely recognize some names, things, and activities. But you will not know it all and that is good. NO MERCY truly offers no mercy! It is an unstoppable flood of images flickering past the readers’ startled eyes at warp speed. A frightening intensity set upon you like an attack of piranhas. I urge you to plunge your head into this waterfall and see what terrifying wonders await you! A magical technicolor nightmare, if you will. Perhaps my words be too flowery, but I am struck dumb for mere words to explain what I saw in this collection of poems. NO MERCY brings to mind the first time that I read William Burroughs’ Naked Lunch. It’s like taking an acid trip without actually dropping any acid! I don’t know about you, but I really like that feeling of being both frightened and yet laughing at the depravity. When you are done reading, the “real” world will seem so terribly normal and boring. (...) Read the whole review at Damaged Skull blog. |
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